Ahmad Thomson - Wynne Chambers

"The ink of the scholar is more dear to Allah   
than the blood of the martyr."   
Wynne Chambers > Further Reading

The following articles, videos and books may be of general interest : 

   Legal Articles:

These now out-dated articles span a period of some seven years and to a certain extent they chart the transition from the 'pre- Human Rights Bill' state of affairs to the early 'Human Rights Act 1998 in force' situation. They may be of historical interest to those with an interest in how the legal landscape in the United Kingdom as regards the partial recognition of Article 9 ECHR rights and duties has changed during the 21st century.

April 2003 Charities, War, Terrorism & the Law
November 2003 UK Muslim Human Rights Update
published in The Muslim Lawyer, Volume 4, Issue 2, Ramadan 1424, November 2003

March 1999 Religious Discrimination & the Human Rights Act 1998
Information Sheet prepared for the Minority Lawyers Conference 1999 for use in the afternoon Parallel Session Two on Civil Liberties, Religious Discrimination and the ECHR.

April 1999 Review of Muslim Lawyers Conference in Strasbourg 1999
written for AML Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1, April - June 1999

April 1998 Muslims in Europe - Religious Freedom in a Secular Society
published in AML Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, April - June 1998

April 1998 Review of the Minority Lawyers Conference 1997
published in AML Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 1, April - June 1998

October 1997 Human Rights for Muslims - Muslim Rights for Humans
published in AML Newsletter, Volume 2 Issue 2, October 1997

March 1996 Review of AML Religious Discrimination Conference
published in AML Newsletter, Volume 1 Issue 2, March 1996


Modern Finance
June 2010 Why Are We All in Debt?
produced and directed by Tarek El Diwany
Islamic Finance
February 2010 Reforming the Global Financial System
originally broadcast by Press TV
Media Coverage
January 2012 The Alternative Leveson Enquiry
produced by The Alternative Leveson
February 2012 The Alternative Leveson Enquiry
originally broadcast by Press TV
February 2009 Shariah Law: A Stairway to Heaven
Talk given at Christ's College, Cambridge on 10 February 2009
Shari'a Councils
April 2012 Shari'a Councils in Britain
~ from 20.20 minutes onwards ~
originally broadcast by Islam Channel
   General Articles:

March 2015 The The Subversion of Modern Democracy & Islamic Governance
Paper presented at Conference on Mu'amalat at Universitas Muhammadiyah, Jakarta, on 11 March 2015
March 2015 The The Subversion of Modern Democracy & Islamic Governance
Talk delivered at Conference on Mu'amalat at Universitas Muhammadiyah, Jakarta, on 11 March 2015
November 2011 Dr Syed Aziz Pasha ~ Obituary
23 November 2011
July 2011 By Allah
Published in The Expert and Dispute Resolver, Summer 2011 edition
December 2010 The Role of Religion in the Law
August 2010 Human Rights in Islam
Presented at the London Muslim Centre on the 20 August 2010
July 2010 The historical presence of Islam in Europe
Presented at the Granada Mosque ‘Islam in Europe' Conference on the 8 July 2010
November 2007 Civis Britannia Sum
published in The Muslim Lawyer, Volume 5, Issue 1, Dhu'l-Qada 1428, November 2007
January 2004 Journey to Islam
published in The Muslim Weekly, Issue No. 10, 2-8 January 2004
November 2021 Problems encountered in social life when embracing Islam
Talk presented at the International Congress on Ihtida held in Konya, Turkey, on 27 November 2021
November 2021 Problems encountered in social life when embracing Islam
Paper presented at the International Congress on Ihtida held in Konya, Turkey, on 27 November 2021
August 2005 Sweetness and Light in Melcombe Street
published in The Muslim Weekly, Friday 19 August 2005
February 2005 Radical Islam? - No Such Thing?
published in The Muslim Weekly, Issues No. 65 &66, 4-10 & 11-17 February 2005
February 2006 Where Angels Fear to Tread
published in Islam Magazine, February 2006/ Muharram 1427
May 2004 Martyr or Murderer? ­ The Muslims Rules of Engagement
published in Q-News, May 2004, Rabiath-Thani 1425, No. 356
July 2007 The Significance of Swearing an Oath
published in Al-Karam Journal, Issue 25, July 2007
July 2003 Seeking Judicial Appointment and Passing Judgement
published in Al-Karam Muslim Magazine, July 2003
October 2003 Leadership, Consultation and Decision Making
published in Al-Karam Muslim Magazine, October 2003
April 2006 Essential Elements in Islamic Finance
April 2003 Finding the Cure for the Cancer of Usury
published in Al-Karam Muslim Magazine, Issue Nos. January 2003, April 2003 and July 2003
July 2006 The Colour of Sharia Compliant Money Gold and Silver
published in Islam Magazine, Issue 4, July-August 2006 / Jumada ath-Thani 1427
April 2003 The Ultimate Conquest
published in Q-News, Jan-Feb 2002, Dhu'l-Hijjah 1422, No. 339-340
Current Chief See-at-hl's Words
quoted in The Next World Order published by Al-Aqsa Press
June 1999 The Invasion and Occupation of South-Eastern Europe
Article written for AML Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1, April - June 1999
August 1999 The Ribat
Article written for Clear Signs, August, 1999
July 2001 Divine Law and man-made law
Article written for Clear Signs, August, 1999
January 2000 Questions and Answers on the Shari'ah
Answers to questions asked by a student conducting research regarding the Shari'ah, 15th January 2000
December 2000 When Mercy Seasons Justice
published in Q-News, Dec 2000, Ramadan 1421, No. 326
June 2000 Islam in Spain - excerpts from Islam in Andalus
published in The Middle Path, Vol 7, Issue 6, Rabi Al Awwal 1421 AH, June 2000
March 2000 Intention - excerpts from The Difficult Journey
published in Meeting Point, March 2000
Current Inheritance of the Prophets - excerpts from The Last Prophet
published by Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd
April 2006 The Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace
published in Al-Karam Muslim Magazine, Issue 21, April-June 2006
   Book Reviews:

October 2013 Islam, Shari’a and Alternative Dispute Resolution
published in the Law Society Gazette, 21 October 2013 edition
April 2009 Islam ~ Its Basic Practices and Beliefs
March 2006 The Sword of Wisdom
June 2000 The Noble Qur'an - A New Rendering of its Meaning in English
published in The Middle Path, Vol 7, Issue 6, Rabi Al Awwal 1421 AH, June 2000
July 2002 Zakat - Raising a Fallen Pillar
published in Al-Karam Muslim Magazine, July 2002
January 1998 The Forbidden Dialogues - The Impact of Islam on the Future of the African Diaspora.

The following books by Ahmad Thomson are available from Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd.

The Last Prophet The Wives of the Prophet
May the blessings and peace of Allah be on him and on his family and on his companions and followers. Amin
Fatima az-Zahra Asma bint Abi Bakr
The Journey of Ahmad and Layla The Difficult Journey
The Way Back Making History
Dajjal: The Antichrist Jesus, Prophet of Islam
(Co-Author with Muhammad Ata'ur-Rahim)
The Presence of Islam in Andalus
(Co-Author with Muhammad Ata'ur-Rahim)
Jesus in the Qur'an
(Co-Author with Muhammad Ata'ur-Rahim)
The Islamic Will
(Co-Author with Abdal-Haqq
and A'i'sha Bewley)
The Islamic Will can be ordered from Dar Al Taqwa Ltd 


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