Ahmad Thomson - Wynne Chambers

"Show mercy to whoever is on the earth and    
Whoever is in the heavens will show mercy to you."   
Wynne Chambers > Specialisations


Choosing the most appropriate structure for a charity and clearly stating the aims and objects of its trustees are essential to its smooth administration and the fulfilment of its objects. Whether forming a new charity, upgrading an old charity, or advising on problems which may appear insurmountable, Wynne Chambers seeks to assist clients in their pursuit of excellence.

June 2014 The Islamic Charitable Trust
The Islamic Charitable Trust
July 2010 Giving and Receiving Charitable Donations within the Law
Presented at the Regents Park Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre on the 31 July 2010
Winter 2000 The Islamic Charitable Trust
Solicitors Journal, Winter 2000 Charity and Appeals Supplement


Most people have to work for a living. Most people want to be paid for what they enjoy doing. Most people do not want any aggravation in the workplace. Clear and concise contracts of employment help to avoid misunderstandings. Disputes can be resolved through positive negotiation. If a matter does go to court, success is sweet. Wynne Chambers seeks to assist clients in resolving any work related problems, especially by avoiding them in the first place.


Perhaps the ugliest work related problem is experiencing the imposition or infliction of discrimination, however gross or subtle its manifestation. Wynne Chambers seeks to assist in particular clients who have experienced race, religious or sex discrimination.

   Islamic Law:

Contrary to some commonly held stereotypical misconceptions, Islamic law provides practical solutions to most situations in which humans find themselves - deriving as it does from the Creator of the human situation. Muslim clients naturally wish to resolve their disputes and problems in accordance with the Shari'a - and to avoid them at the outset by following the Shari'a in the first place. Wynne Chambers seeks to assist clients do this, especially as regards Muslim marriages, Muslim divorces, Muslim commerce and Muslim inheritance.


Mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution which is both recognised and indeed now frequently required by our judicial system, is emerging as a less confrontational, more cost-effective and swifter means of settling disputes than having to deal with all that is involved in 'having your day in court'.

Mediation is a voluntary, confidential and flexible process and as regards settling disputes between Muslims, solutions which are in harmony with the sunnah and Islamic law can be encouraged as a basis for mutual agreement between the parties rather than their being side-lined or ignored, as can often happen in secular courts applying secular law. This is particularly relevant in the context of the resolution of disputes concerning the administration of mosques and Islamic centres, but it is also highly relevant in disputes involving Shari'a compliant and Shari'a based commercial transactions.

The costs involved in organising travel and accommodation for parties and representatives, in addition to arranging a suitable location in which a mediation is to take place, can be reduced significantly by conducting a mediation online via zoom, although this is not always appropriate.

   Islamic Wills:

Everyone will die, sooner or later. Any Muslim who wishes to have his or her estate divided after death in accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunna is advised to make an Islamic Will which states this. In the absence of a valid Islamic Will, the laws of intestacy will apply - and their criteria are different to those of the Shari'a. Any Muslim whose estate is likely to exceed the nil rate band is advised to take the appropriate steps to minimise or avoid the payment of Inheritance Tax. Wynne Chambers seeks to assist clients in their practical arrangements and preparation for their departure from this world.

The Islamic Will
published by Dar Al Taqwa Ltd

March 2014 The Law Society Practice Note on Shari'a Compliant Wills
April 2012 Essential Elements in Islamic Wills
March 2006 Drafting Islamic Wills
published in New Law Journal, Vol 156, No 7217, 24th March 2006
April 2005 Probate and Shari'a Law
published in The Probate Section Journal, Issue 46, April 2005
June 2005 Understanding Islamic Finance
published in The Probate Section Journal, Issue 48, June 2005
May 2004 Understanding Islamic Wills
published in Solicitors Journal, 07.05.04, Vol. 148, No. 18
Jan 2004 A Legacy Worth Leaving
published in Q-News, Jan 2004, Dhu'l-Hijjah 1424, No. 353
Winter 2003/04 Leaving a Living Legacy
published in Partnership Magazine, Winter 2003/04
Winter 2003/04 Where there's a Will
published in Partnership Magazine, Winter 2003/04
Current Calculating Fixed Inheritance Shares in Accordance with the Shari'a
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